Our events have now passed. Thank you for joining us in St. Louis!

Learn@DLF 2023

instructors explaining a concept to 2019 Learn@DLF workshop attendees

We are excited to host Learn@DLF on Sunday, November 12, 2023, to cultivate creative training and professional development opportunities for attendees.

Learn@DLF will be structured entirely as a workshop day. Through engaging, hands-on sessions, attendees will gain experience with new tools and resources, exchange ideas, and develop and share expertise with fellow community members.

Workshop Format

Learn@DLF workshops are in-depth, hands-on training sessions on specific tools, techniques, workflows, or concepts. Q&A and discussion are incorporated throughout in an interactive and inclusive format. Learn@DLF workshops are three hours long in total, composed of two 90-minute halves with a 15 minute break between.