Our events have now passed. Thank you for joining us in St. Louis!

Calls for Proposals for 2023 CLIR Events are Now Live

Learn@DLF: Nov. 12, 2023; 2023 DLF Forum: Nov. 13-15, 2023; NDSA Digital Preservation: Nov. 15-16, 2023. St Louis!

The Council on Library and Information Resources is pleased to announce that we have opened Calls for Proposals for our conferences happening in person in St. Louis, MO this November: the Digital Library Federation’s (DLF) Forum and Learn@DLF and NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2023: Communities of Time and Place.

For all events, we encourage proposals from members and non-members; regulars and newcomers; digital library practitioners from all sectors (higher education, museums and cultural heritage, public libraries, archives, etc.) and those in adjacent fields such as institutional research and educational technology; and students, early- and mid-career professionals and senior staff alike. We especially welcome proposals from individuals who bring diverse professional and life experiences to the conference, including those from underrepresented or historically excluded racial, ethnic, or religious backgrounds, immigrants, veterans, those with disabilities, and people of all sexual orientations or gender identities. 

Our events will take place in person on the following dates:

The deadline for all opportunities is Monday, May 1, at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

View the Calls for Proposals and submit:

Submit for one conference or multiple (though, different proposals for each, please).

Please note: All sessions for the 2023 DLF Forum, Learn@DLF, and NDSA’s Digital Preservation will take place in person. 

If you have any questions, please write to us at forum@diglib.org. We’re looking forward to seeing you in St. Louis this fall.

-Team DLF

P.S. Want to stay updated on all things #DLFforum? Subscribe to our Forum newsletter and follow us at @CLIRDLF on Twitter.